Message from Mrs. Dana Humaid, President, Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities

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Ahlan Wasahlan… Abu Dhabi welcomes you!

On behalf of Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities (IAFSC) I am pleased to announce that Abu Dhabi will host the Sixth Forum of the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) from November 19 – 21, 2024. As in past GNRC global Forums, we will also be hosting a Children’s Forum in advance of the main Forum.  

Arigatou International and the GNRC have always led by example on issues affecting children’s rights and their well-being. The Interfaith Alliance greatly values the partnership it has had with Arigatou International since 2018 and we look forward to making the GNRC Sixth Forum memorable and impactful.

The IAFSC is well-experienced in hosting and facilitating knowledge-sharing from different religions and communities on a global scale. This year’s Forum emphasizes harnessing the influence of religion for the safety and wellbeing of children. Our aim is not only to stimulate dialogue with faith leaders and children, but also to underscore the vital role of family and the wider community in safeguarding children. We are working on a program that will not only generate concrete ideas to restore hope and build a better and safer world for children and our communities but also ensure those ideas are put into action immediately after the Forum. 

We welcome you to join us and experience our legendary Emirati hospitality. We are determined to make this gathering truly transformative! Let us unite, empower, and inspire children in a big and meaningful way. Let us give them the platform they deserve to contribute their ideas and shape a better world — a world where hope, compassion, and understanding reign.  

Abu Dhabi awaits! Marhaban bikum! 

Dana Humaid 

President and Chief Executive

Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities